Thursday, November 24, 2011

I'm thankful

So one of the blogs I enjoy reading is having a linky party for what they are thankful for and I thought what fun, I'd join in!

So here we go:

1.  What are you thankful for in your classroom?

I'd have to say that one of the things I am thankful for in my classroom would have to be the kids I teach, even my kiddos that moved on!  Going to work and seeing the smiling faces and receiving the hugs makes me thankful and feel so blessed!

2. What person are you most thankful for?

Family is a big part of who I am and without them in my life I don't know what I would be doing, I'd probably be bored or very unhappy!  They truly all keep me loving every moment of my life! 
So who is my family: of course my husband, Dave, and my girls, oh and my dog, Captain.  They've shown me what a blessing it is to be a mother and wife!  I love every moment I am with them and I grow to be a better person because they've taught me how.  Next would be my mom, my dad, my sister, Jerri, her husband Beau, our great friend and Godfather to our oldest daughter Grace, Chris, my husband's family, my Aunt Paula, my cousins, especially my cousin, Michelle, and finally my friends, Melia and Jessica. Here's some pictures of those special people!

my husband's family

my dad-he's taught me to try my best

my mom-she's taught me to be a loving mom
Our friend, my sister, her husband
Me, Jessica, Melia

Our picture this year

A photo take a long time, really shows sisterly love!
my cousin, Michelle

3. What 3 blogs are you most thankful for?

Wow, this is hard because I love to just look at random blogs and get ideas.
Chalk Talk: A Kindergarten Blog and Miss Kindergarten are two that I find myself looking at daily.  I love the ideas and really enjoy the pictures they post with them.  I really find myself wanting to really try a lot of their ideas.

The third blog I enjoy looking at is Clutter-free Classroom.  I love the ideas that they add for management and organization!  This is who I am and try to be more of :)

4. What guilty pleasure are you most thankful for?

I would have to say that my guilty pleasure that I'm thankful for would have to be that I am a big Twilight and Harry Potter fan.  Of course I was one of the silly people who had to be first in line for the midnight showings to all of the showings (along with my cousin Michelle of course) and was waiting for the books to be put out on the shelves (had them read really quick too).  My husband and family (except for my cousin, Michelle) thought we were crazy, especially when it was cold and we were standing in line waiting to go in to the showings or was looking on-line to see when the next book was going to be out! 

5. What are you most thankful for?

I think that I am most thankful for would have to be for my life that I am so blessed with from God!  I think that without my faith in God I'd be lost.  It's amazing when you look at how much you have to be thankful for and know that it is given to you to make the most of it.  I think that this quote says it all and is a great reflection of how to live:  "Every day you are alive is a special occasion. Every minute, every breath, is a gift from God." ~Mary Manin Morrissey

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and celebrated it with a loved one!

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