Monday, February 18, 2013

Valentine's Day!

On Valentine's Day you would expect to see much fun and games going on, especially in my classroom!  However, learning was the main goal and was seen when walking into it!  Here is a video of what you could see:  Valentine's Animoto Video!
I was experimenting with some other ways to show you what happened in our class, so enjoy a thinglink! Best thing about Valentines!
I also created a glogster:  best-thing-about-valentines
Hope you enjoy!  I hope to be posting somethings soon with our inferring unit!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Friends Idea!

 I am a lover for Pinterest and have always been looking for some cute thing to make with my Kindergarten friends that would be a memory!  So I think that I have found it!  I hope that I can get it to work out because I think that it would be amazing to do!  Here is a link!  Let me know what you think!


Sunday, February 10, 2013



This past week we worked on graphing.  One of the great things that we tried was telling their favorite ice cream.  The students tested the ice cream and then used discussed what it would look like in a graph.  Later this week we then put the students into groups and each group had pictures and put it into a pictograph.  This really helped each student to learn to work together and helped give students an idea of what was expected of each one.  Team work was real big! 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Nonfiction Conventions

Just last week we worked on Nonfiction Conventions.  The students love looking through all the books and picking them out and sharing them with each other.  I wanted a way for the students to continue to be excited for nonfiction books so I let them use two different technology pieces to work with during our daily five time.  One was little bird tales, which you can go to and see one of the books they created:
nonfiction conventions
The second one was a voice thread.  This piece was a lot harder for them to work with and they had even said that they didn't like as much too.  Therefore I probably won't be using it as much.  Here is the link though so you can see how it turned out. 
voice thread
Please let us know which one you liked the best!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

How to blow a bubble!

We have had a great beginning to our week!  We have begun to work with graphs and finishing up our how to writing.  So to combine the two we did an activity that worked on how to blow a bubble and they had to write about it.  Here is a prezi that shows how it went!
How to blow a bubble prezi

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Teaching writing with technology!

I am taking a class for my masters and this semester I am taking teaching writing with technology!  I am beginning to learn so much it is beginning to be hard to soak it all in but I am!  Many of the things I will probably be posting will be ones that I will show the students in my class.  The kids love it when I use them with the technology.  This one that I am posting uses just pictures but I am sure they will love it just as much!
Hope you enjoy it as much as they do!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Princess Buttercup

Copy of Princess Buttercup

Here is a video I created to show the kids after Princess Buttercup arrived in our classroom.  She had to visit the vet  and it was so cold I didn't get her into the classroom so they were really upset she wasn't there.  So I decided to show them this video to let them know that she was doing okay!  I was surprised at how excited they became with just a couple of photos of her to reassure she is doing great!  Hope you enjoy as well!